Monday, July 15, 2013

2000AD prog 1841

Here's the cover to prog 1841, the last part of my latest Dredd, out this week. I say "my latest Dredd" but I should say John Wagner's and mine. I suppose I should give him some credit! Absent from the prog for a while now this story arch was his very warmly anticipated return, so it was an honour to illustrate the story. So what's next then? Well, I've got two jobs lined up. The first is a little Batman project, which I'll reveal more on later. The second has been mentioned here but will be talked about more soon, it being an issue of the highly acclaimed Prophet series. Then, Dredd fans, I'm back working with the planet sized talent that is Ian Edginton! Yay!

For a step by step look at the inner workings of this cover take a look at the awesome site that is the 2000AD Covers blog here.


Colin said...

Fantastic to hear that you are returning to Dredd once you have those over assignments sorted. Can I ask given that you're working with Ian Edginton can we expect a certain someone to return?

D.TAYLOR said...

Thanks Colin. I think it's fair to say you're probably right in thinking that! It's not like I've been told to keep it secret, no NDA has been signed! But if I am now in trouble it's all on you! ;)

Lee McKnight Jr. said...


Loved your art on Wastelands, first time I've seen it (shame on me.)


Lee McKnight
Cincinnati, OH

D.TAYLOR said...

Many thanks Lee. I hope you enjoy what we have in store for the future (later this year).