Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rush ~ Clockwork Angels

I'm sitting working on my new Judge Dredd 30 page strip for Tharg at 2000AD blissfully listening (VERY LOUD!) to the new Rush album. I've followed them faithfully since 1977 (oh what a year!) and can, with no doubt, say that this is the best work they have ever produced. The title track is one of the most sublime experiences one can have with two ears (VERY LOUD!!)! Oh....my...GOD! This is a stunning recording! The hairs on the back of my neck just went into overdrive as the solo began and then they drop from heavy to a beautiful blues chord set that made the hairs ON the hairs on the back of my neck stand up!
Before the year is up I'm hoping to find a way to contact the guys responsible, Neil, Geddy and Alex, to implore them to let me turn the album, which is also a novel, into a graphic novel. No, seriously! When I first got into drawing comics I had big plans to turn the seminal 2112 album into a comic book...didn't happen....and then at art school I started making an animated short of the track Cinderella Man, all hand drawn and coloured, frame by meticulous frame I began crafting the film...then it got lost in the post on the way back from the developers...so that didn't happen ether. Maybe one of you out there knows a guy who knows a gal who knows a guy who knows someone close to the band who could put in a good word for me?! Hey, ya never know!

Anyway, just do yourself a great big favour and get a copy of Clockwork Angels and play it as loud as your speakers and neighbours can handle it! Trust me, I've been doing this since 1977 and know what I'm talking about!!

Keep watching the sky


Unknown said...

Last album of theirs I bought was Hold Your Fire - as a vinyl LP. But may have to purchase this one, given your effusive praise and the positive reviews elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

I really hope that you're able to approach/contact the band about making this hope a reality. I'd really like to see this happen!

Unknown said...

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