Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's out there!!

Seeing as this image is appearing all over the net I thought it only fair I should pop it on here!


Milan Kovacs said...

meet you at Thought Bubble this year. I really hope I can get a cool Batman sketch from you :)

D.TAYLOR said...

I don't see why not Milan!

biri said...

can't wait, really! i love comics, i love architecture and i love hugh ferriss. years ago i took the degree in architecture with a dissertation thesis about city and comics and i still write about such themes from time to time.
your book will surely be a great addition to my library.

heyjimtitus said...

Fantastic. Can't wait to read this. The artwork is just breathtaking. Will the final book keep the raw graphite throughout, or is this just an in-progress peek?

And I have to ask: what's with the blurred Bat logo on the cover? It has a very slick, digital look that's incongruous with the German expressionist style and period feel.

Milan Kovacs said...

I was there at the 2000AD tables twice on Sunday but you were unfortunately not there either time :( on Saturday I didn't where to find you.
I was really hoping I could see your style of work. as a Hungarian guy rarely visiting England isn't it possible somehow to obtain anything from you, please?

D.TAYLOR said...


I'm sorry we missed each other, I was only there on the Saturday doing the 'Nelson' signing as reported here a few posts ago. Please feel free to contact me (click 'view my complete profile'), I'm always happy to discuss commissions.