Monday, May 28, 2007

I don`t know where the time goes! (actually I have a pretty good idea!)
Wetworks #9 came out and I still haven`t been arrested by the comic art police! Yes, I`m not overley pleased with how it looks, but then I wasn`t really expecting to like it much. I had to do it so fast I can still feel the heat generated coming from my drawing desk! Pencilling and inking one page a day can be fun but then you realize folks are going to see what you`ve produced and that`s when the fun stops. But it`s done now and I can move on.
Pauline and I went for our last scan and found out what variety of baby we should`s a GIRL! (most probably) I can`t begin to tell you how it felt...well actually I felt almost impossibly amazing! I had an overwhelming sense of peace. What an incredible feeling to know you`re bringing a little girl into the world. Since we got this news I`ve noticed the strange feeling that armour is forming around me...a sword and shield are developing to protect my little family. I don`t doubt this is quite normal for someone who sees the world as a crazy mixed up mad house and I have to say I`m delighted that this protective urge has formed in me. The odd thing is that with this sense of peace I should start to form war like protection around us. A product of living in this time of unbalenced insanity I guess.
Since completing Wetworks I`ve been getting ready to start my next job which is again for Wildstorm, although at this stage I can`t say what. News on that later.
The image above is part of a Batman commission that`s been sitting at the top left hand corner on my desk waiting to be finished.
The Bristol comic con was fun. Small but fun. It was great to re-contact old pals and to catch up with the world of comics after spending so much time away. Being part of the industry that I love so much is so sweet and exiting. I feel so lucky that I can just walk back into this world and for folk to accept my return with open arms. Thanks to all those who welcomed me back with such warmth. Cheers guys!


Antonio said...

Best of luck for the baby girl...


D.TAYLOR said...

Cheers Antonio.

Lee Townsend said...

Good luck with everything Dave! and it was good to see you in Bristol...,

D.TAYLOR said...

Great to see you and your lovely wife sir! When are we going for that pint then?!